Garden Oasis

How many Garden Oasis speakers do I need?
This would depend on the area being covered. The GO4 & GO6 are both capable of covering an area of up to 500 ft2/speaker. The GO6 of course woul...
Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 at 5:44 PM
How many Garden Oasis subs do I need?
This would depend on the area being covered. The GO10 is capable of covering an area of up to 2000 ft2 while the GO12 is capable of covering an area of ...
Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 at 5:45 PM
How many speakers can I connect to the Crown CDI 1000 Amplifier?
The Crown CDI 1000 is capable of powering up to 100 of the GO4 or GO 6 speakers. Use the chart below to identify which dial setting to use for your spec...
Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 at 5:47 PM
How many subwoofers can I connect to the Crown CDI 1000 Amplifier?
The Crown CDI 1000 is capable of running 1 GO10 or Go12 only on when connected to Channel 1 of the amplifier. NOTE: Please refer to the GO Datasheet to ...
Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 at 5:48 PM
How far apart should each speaker be?
The GO4 & GO6 speakers can be placed anywhere from 8-12ft apart. For optimal coverage & best performance, we recommend placing speakers 8 ft apa...
Wed, 16 Jan, 2019 at 5:49 PM